In the inaugural ‘Parlay’ conference for the newly formed John Brown Republican Party, sociopolitical activist and writer Krisjiannis Vittato will hold a thorough but concise conference proving the current “fourth-wave systemic racism era” was intentionally authored by Joseph Biden, President of the United States of America, which he strategically used to destroy the African Diaspora, in a successful appeal to the malicious, racial animus of mainstream White America (irrespective of political alignment).
Using mainstream media sources (CNN, The New York Times), government legislation documents, and highly credible sources (such as data from presidential biographer Doris Kearns Goodwin), the speaker will undeniably demonstrate:
- that systemic racism is provably real, and moreover, heavily documented, though buried in sophisticated legalese,
- that systemic racism is now, and has always been, authored, led, initiated, and upheld by the Democratic Party,
- that William Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and Joe Biden took the systemic racism blueprint given to them by Lyndon B. Johnson, took an insidious approach, and intentionally mauled the African Diaspora through 1994 legislation, under Clinton,
- that Joe Biden has Afro-Diasporic blood on his hands, as well as Kamala Harris, and the sole reason that Donald Trump, a racist, was evaluated as a worse racist than they is because of Leftist social engineering and their control of the “racial narrative”, which has never been controlled by the Afro-Diaspora,
- that the systemic racism of Joe Biden, which in recent days, was glossed over by Americans and the complicit mainstream media as a “mistake”, was provably not a mistake at all,
- that the Republican Party slanders Black Americans with malicious gaslighting and racial antagonism,
- that the Republican Party betrayed Black Americans twice, the first time to secure the hotly contested election of Rutherford B. Hayes, and again in the age of Martin Luther King Jr.’s activism,
- that the Republican Party sold over Black Americans to the Democrats, and to their oppression – and also are responsible for Black Americans being suberversively manipulated and silently destroyed by systemic oppression of Democrats to this day,
- that the troubles Black Americans face today are a literal mirror-image of the same evils they faced in the day of King, and X – and just as Martin Luther King blamed certain phenomenon – like Black American crime rates – on White racial oppression that caused such “pathologies”, so are those same forces at work today, and worse, since now they are insidious, and hidden from plain sight by mainstream media oppression, and the White Left’s control of the narrative on ‘race’,
- that Donald Trump is not a Christian, by his own unintentional admission; that he is also a Sodomite, according to the Christian scriptures, and that he is also a Democrat in Republican guise, and the first Republican president to make a clear attempt to incorporate systemic racism (with the relative, possible, exception of Nixon),
- that Barack Obama is not “black”, in any meaningful sense of the word, as this is illicitly used to identify him with the Afro-Diasporic struggle and the understanding that should come from that identity, and this is a blackfacing strategy successfully carried out by the Left to beguile Black Americans and hinder their full equality and dignity,
- that Barack Obama was used as a pawn, in that he enhanced systemic racism under his presidential authority, and also continued and expanded the murder of foreign Muslims for Leftist warhawks and warmongering profiteers,
- that neither is Kamala Harris, current VP of the United States, a part of the African Diaspora, and like Obama, she has neither experienced racial oppression in the United States, nor does she have any commonality with the Afro-Diaspora, and her actions have been that of a virulent, vicious, and insidious White supremacist and White oppressor – which is also a full “blackfacing”, or a whitewashing of her domestic crimes against humanity,
- that the systemic racism authored by Joe Biden is still in effect, and just as Hitler is credited with the death of millions of Jewish people, because of his racial animus and power, so is Joseph Biden responsible for the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Philandro Castille, Atatiana Jefferson, Botham Jean, and every other Afro-Diasporican slain by the police state, as he intentionally handed these powers to the police and judicial system, and the prison state as well, for the persecution of Black Americans, and the enhancement of their oppression,
- that the Democratic Party has done much to conceal the heavily evidenced murder of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X by Johnson and Hoover’s COINTELPRO, and how they must continue to discourage and sabotage these evidences to keep them from becoming mainstream knowledge,
- that finally, the gross, willing stupidity of the American state and her powers, in that while the Race Myth has been long proven to be a myth indeed, the American state refuses to reject the unsophisticated and provably false theory of “race”, because it benefits them to continue the perpetuation of the myth, and to continue the many social evils that persist because of its endurance on American soil.
The event will be limited to fifty attendees, and most attendees will be there by special invite. All RSVPs must include full first name and surname, and must be approved by admin(s) for the event. +1’s welcome.
Attendees are not required to wear masks – but we ask that everyone keep a courtesy distance from one another out of respect. Chairs will have ample space between them and great care will be taken to assure the space is never crowded.
Refreshments will be provided.
There will be a substantial amount of time at the end of the conference for questions and answer, and participants will be allowed to also ask any pertinent questions during the presentation, where the speaker will pause and answer on the spot.
The presentation will be filmed – persons attending will not be recorded or shown in any resulting media without their prior written permission.
The event is completely free.